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  • 8-week live online singing course

  • Monday evenings on Zoom: 7-9 p.m. (UK time)

  • Dates: 1st March - 26th April 2021

  • Interesting topics to explore each week

  • Weekly performance opportunities & coaching 

  • Work with experienced singers and teachers

  • Singers of all abilities and styles welcome

  • Suggested Donation: £80


But, we have spaces on our new SUPPORT YOUR SINGING weekly group session which runs on Fridays from 3-4 p.m.


Singing is a joyous act that allows us to connect with our depth and express the things that are dear to us. All forms of singing require a depth of trust - a trust that our bodies will miraculously produce sound from the air that we breathe. At some point on our journey we might become curious about the unique way that this Life wants to express itself through us, through our love of music, art and song. Being available for this movement has a much different feel than trying to lead the way. Our journey becomes one of openness and curiosity. 

Each week, the course will feature a different guest teacher who will lead the group in exploring important topics related to singing and life. There will be weekly opportunities to perform and there will also be the opportunity for private coaching throughout the course. The course concludes with a Performance Relay, where participants have the opportunity to showcase their learning from the course in a concert-style performance which will be open for friends and family to join.

The course is run in a friendly and supportive way where all abilities and singing styles are welcome, and where nothing is compulsory.   


Week 1: Curiosity with Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon

Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon online singing course teacher

Following our natural curiosity can lead us to places and things that we haven’t experienced before. An attitude of curiosity has power because it roots us in our not-knowing and discovery, allowing us to become aligned with how things are actually unfolding. We will explore how curiosity informs our singing and musical journey, and the unique way that it expresses itself through each of us.

Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon is a singer, pianist and composer from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Week 2: Awareness with Don Oakley

Don Oakley spiritual teacher

Awareness is the key that unlocks the door. As we become more aware of our body and how it functions, we can learn to trust it more and allow it to do its job. At some point we might recognize that awareness has been present and supported us throughout our entire journey. Sensing into the silence of this deeper awareness has tremendous power: it frees us to truly engage with what we love as its love for us is unconditional.

Don Oakley is a spiritual teacher and president of the Well Being Retreat Center.

Week 3: Breath with Glenn Tweedie

Glenn Tweedie opera singer

Breath is integral to life and in singing it is the fuel that allows the engine to run. One of the hallmarks of good singing is when the breath is free and able to move through the body without unnecessary tension. Becoming aware and having a felt sense of how our body and breathing muscles function helps us find true support within ourselves when we sing.

Glenn Tweedie is a professional operatic tenor and singing teacher based in Northern Ireland.

Week 4: Support with Marie-Juliette Ghazarian and Samantha Lewis

Marie-Juliette Ghazarian mezzo soprano
samantha lewis mezzo soprano

The topic of support is a big one in singing. We can generally summarise it as the connection between our body and breath when we sing. Developing a healthy support for our singing requires us to develop an awareness of how our voice and body works; it also requires patience and a willingness to explore as our bodies are unique and forever changing. We will also discuss how we can best support ourselves and others on the musical journey.

Marie-Juliette Ghazarian and Samantha Lewis are gifted mezzo-sopranos in their final stages of conservatoire study.

Week 5: Being in Our Body with Sara Dylan


What does it mean to be in our body? In one sense, we can't not be in our body as that is the organism through which we exist in the world. But that doesn't mean we're always listening to the wisdom of our bodies and what they are trying to communicate to us. How might we learn to listen to our body's wisdom and feelings in a way that best supports our journey in music and life?

Sara Dylan is a professional actress, voice-over artist and singer-songwriter based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Week 6: Performance Art with Kyron Bourke

Kyron Bourke Jazz musician

There are moments in performance when everything comes together in such a way where there is an inspired connection between ourselves, what we’re doing and those who are listening. Whilst our practice and commitment may get us to the stage, something else is then required: a letting go, a trust is something other than ourselves – a willingness to be sung.

Kyron Bourke is a jazz musician, pianist, vocalist, song-writer, actor, writer and painter, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Week 7: Performance Craft with Robin Bowman

Robin Bowman vocal coach

As we develop as performers and gain experience, we learn that there is a craft to how we work: how we approach a song, how we learn it, how we interpret it and how we communicate it to an audience. As we develop our craft we might recognise that what we each have to offer is utterly unique and of value. A great gift of performance is that it allows the brilliance of each unique expression to shine through.

Robin Bowman is an international accompanist and vocal coach. He is a vocal tutor at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and former Head of Vocal Studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Week 8: Performance Relay Showcase

Participants, teachers and guest artists have the opportunity to perform together in a concert-style performance where friends and family can join online.


But, we have spaces on our new SUPPORT YOUR SINGING weekly group session which runs on Fridays from 3-4 p.m.

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